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At Nether Stowey primary school we follow the National Curriculum 2014.  If you would like to find more information about our curriculum please continue to look at this page. We welcome you to  look at our class pages or make an appointment with the school. 


 At Nether Stowey School the curriculum has been designed and shaped with the whole staff. The National Curriculum 2014 forms the base of our curriculum design. We have developed an approach to build knowledge and skills in unison so they work alongside each other to enhance outcomes for pupils. It is our intent that all pupils leave as rounded individuals that have had a broad and balanced curriculum, they are caring, active and their best. Their learning journey at Nether Stowey is progressive and builds year on year.  Programs of studies have been carefully chosen for what is right for our school and our children. Staff have based this on research approaches, training,  and considered opinions of other professionals before making a decision. These have all be discussed with governors as part of a whole school approach. 



To implement the curriculum a three year rolling program has been developed with the teachers.  This is reviewed annually with teachers and governors. This ensures the National Curriculum coverage builds year on year with the children to develop their knowledge and understanding. With mixed year groups it is important that children learn new knowledge and new skills, regardless to which classroom they are based.  The progression of skills runs alongside the knowledge that children will gain. Medium term plans are developed around the literacy text and links are made with the wider curriculum where possible. We do not want to make tenuous links to our wider curriculum so teachers carefully plan out how the children will have regular access to multiple lessons in a tight primary timetable. Medium term plans then develop into weekly plans or daily lessons where appropriate.



Monitoring and reviewing the curriculum is essential to gauge the impact the curriculum is having on the children’s learning and understanding. The curriculum is monitored in a variety of ways with all stakeholders, this can include curriculum leaders, governors, children. Impact of the curriculum is not solely measured on end of year data or external tests. The curriculum impact is considered with pupil voice, teaching assistant voice, subject leader folders, book looks, learning walks, observations, pupil progress meetings and intervention review. By having a robust monitoring system encourages leaders to take responsibility that children are receiving the best possible curriculum to ensure good outcomes for children and to equip them for their next educational journey and future life.  Regular reviews help to ensure that the curriculum is continuously developing and staff continue to  develop themselves as professionals to help reach our intent with our curriculum.

At Nether Stowey Primary School, all teachers are responsible for providing an inclusive curriculum that is differentiated for those with Special Educational Needs or Disabilities (SEND). We have high expectations for all pupils and are committed to ensuring our curriculum complies with the Equality Act 2010 and the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014. 

Our inclusion statement emphasises the importance of providing an inclusive learning environment for all pupils including those with SEND. Additional information on this can be found in our Special Education Needs Information Report and Equalities Policy.

 Find information about our curriculum distribution below.


SMSC (Spiritual, Moral, Social & Cultural education)
