Music is all around us. It is the soundtrack to our lives. Music connects us through people and places in our ever-changing world. It is creative, collaborative, celebratory and challenging. In our school, music brings our community together through the shared endeavour of whole-school singing, ensemble playing, experimenting with the creative process and, through the love of listening to friends and fellow pupils, performing.
Here at Nether Stowey, children can experience our music curriculum right from reception through to year 6. Each class will work on a unit of work from Charanga each half term. Each year, the lessons will build progression by continuously referring back to previous skills that have been taught and introducing new ones. Willow Class (Year 3/4) will take part in a whole class ensemble rather than Charanga lessons each year instead.
Whole Class Ensemble
Each year, the children in Willow Class take part in a Whole Class Ensemble led by a music teacher from Somerset Music. The Djembes (African drums) have been our main choice throughout this process however we have spent time learning the violin and samba also. This year we are learning the samba drums.
This wonderful opportunity allows all children to learn and play a musical instrument during their time in school and children continue to learn the objectives set out in the National Curriculum.
Follow the link below to see Willow Class in action.
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School Choir
Children in key Stage 2 can join our weekly choir club where they are given the opportunity to continue their love and enjoyment of music. Each year, the choir is given several opportunities to perform to audiences in and outside of school.
Musical Tuition
We are fortunate enough to have a separate instrumental teacher (Ali Foyle) who offers instrumental tuition for the children at Nether Stowey. Please let the office know if would like more information.