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At Nether Stowey School we know that writing is taught best when...


- it is based around quality texts

- links to the rest of the curriculum

- it has real purpose and audience

- captures the children's interest

- builds reading into writing

- teaches grammar in context

- gives time for children to review and reflect


At Nether Stowey School, the teaching of writing is underpinned by high quality texts. Children are exposed to a quality text which will engage them whilst exposing them to vocabulary, language structures and author intentions which will enable them to develop their own skills as a writer. The chosen texts link to the rest of the curriculum, for example in our KS1 "Rainforest" topic class texts included "One Day on our Blue Planet...The Rainforest" and "The Great Kapok Tree". Throughout the year, children experience reading and writing in a range of genres. 


At Nether Stowey School, we have created our own sequence of learning which is broken down into a three part structure. This teaching structure is used for all writing units, both narrative and non narrative. 

Part 1: Exploration & Immersion 

Part 2: Practise & Apply

Part 3: Innovate & Create 

See further information about this in the PDF below. 
